The prompt was to make something with aluminum foil. I immediately thought of a facebook post.... I cropped out the status & a small bit of the comments & posted them below today's flamingo.
The VP shunt in my brain is my lifeline, but it's not without a few cons. It is programmed to a very specific setting, to keep my intercranial pressure at a specific level. If the pressure gets above the set level, it triggers the valve and excess fluid drains through a tube that goes from my brain to my stomach. I can actually hear it sometimes, which is a weird thing to get used to...
Changes in barometric pressure somehow effect this smart device. I don't know the how & why of it, and I honestly don't care about the details. Knowing how and why wouldn't change anything.... I'll still wake up on a stormy day with a terrible headache and nausea whether I know what this thing in my head is doing or not. It just is what it is..... Gotta take the good with the bad.
I just cope with it. I carry on..... What other choice do I have?
I make jokes about it. I try to find some ounce of humor in an otherwise unpleasant situation. In fact, I find humor in just about everything. I laugh about something every day. I find that laughter is the best medicine.
When things are gloomy, always remember that the sun will shine again. And just smile and dance in the rain........