Monday, November 11, 2013

1/365 & 2/365

Day one - November 10, 2013 (posted yesterday, at ...decided I didn't want to use that site )

Day One

I used a prompt from the book 365 : A Daily Creativity Journal.
“Work with crayons. You can mold them, melt them, grate them, color with them, or……..?”.
Crayons….. didn’t everyone’s first creative experience involve crayons? I know mine did. I still remember getting a big box of crayons ~ the one with a sharpener built in ~ as a kid. I thought that was the bomb diggity!
42 years old, and I’ll still pull out some crayons and color like a kid from time to time. Yep, I have a coloring book. I think that every ‘grown up’ should have one. And ultra stuffy, serious adults should have two….. maybe more…. and color outside of the lines
Day One – I made flamingo shaped crayons. Or, I attempted to make flamingo shaped crayons….. they broke when I tried to take them out of the mold.
Did I fail?
No.  Attempting to make crayons with double vision is quite a feat, in itself (I have severe double vision from the surgery).
Am I disappointed?
Absolutely, positively not. I am amazed that I got as far as I did, and that I fulfilled my promise to my downstairs neighbor that I would not forget to turn off the oven. This is a huge accomplishment, considering the fact that I flooded her apartment when I was sick because I forgot to turn off the faucet in the bathroom. I can remember to turn off the stove. That is HUGE.
Lesson learned ~ don’t worry about the destination, just embrace the journey. That is where the lessons are…..
I think I’ll do some doodling with the pieces…… day one complete. Mission accomplished, as imperfect as the outcome may be. I jumped into my 365 project even though the idea of a blog terrified me (I am clueless about making blogs, I’m a very private person, and writing is by far not my strong point), I worked with crayons, and I didn’t burn down our building. Damn good day.

Day two - Cardboard flamingo
I was pretty tired today, so I kept it simple.....
Today I used another prompt from 365: A Daily Creative Journal
"Make something seem like it is passing through a wall or other solid material that it normally wouldn't or couldn't"